Entrada destacada

Estados Unidos pone en la lista negra a ex- funcionario chino y paramilitares

Estados Unidos puso este viernes en la lista negra a un actual y ex funcionario del gobierno chino, y a una organización paramilitar acusada de ser decisiva en la represión de Beijing contra el grupo étnico turco-musulmanes, los uigures, en la región autónoma uigur de Xinjiang (noroeste de China) Los uigures son musulmanes y se ven a sí mismos como una etnia y cultura más cercana a las naciones de Asia Central que a China. Viven fundamentalmente en Sinkiang, que oficialmente se denomina Región Autónoma Uigur de Sinkinag, una región autónoma de China como lo es Tíbet en el sur.. Las designaciones incluyen el Cuerpo de Producción y Construcción de Xinjiang (XPCC), Sun Jinlong, un ex operativo de XPCC, y Peng Jiarui, un funcionario del gobierno chino y comandante de XPCC, según el Departamento del Tesoro. "Como se dijo anteriormente, Estados Unidos se compromete a utilizar toda su potencia financiera para responsabilizar a los abusadores de derechos humanos en Xinjiang y en todo el m

US uses B-52 bombers and AC-130 gunships to attack Syrian Army, yet ‘partner forces’ have to be saved by Iranian-backed troops

BEIRUT, LEBANON (2:15 P.M.) – According to official American military sources, US airpower that attacked the Syrian Arab Army and allied paramilitaries one week ago did so with strategic weapons like the B-52 bomber and AC-130 gunship. Yet several days later, so-called ‘coalition partner forces’ just 50 kilometers away were left to fend for themselves during a powerful ISIS assault and were ultimately saved by Iranian-backed troops.
On the night of the 7th to the 8th, US warplanes engaged a large grouping of Syrian pro-government forces near the town Khasham on the eastern shore of the Euphrates in what American military officials are referring to as an act of ‘self-defense.’
Major air force assets like the B-52 strategic bomber and AC-130 gunship were used in the attack killing – at the very least – fifty pro-government troops.
On the 10th to the 11th however, US-led coalition partner forces (as they are called) came under attack by ISIS in the As-Sosa region of Deir Ezzor province. Terrorists managed to actually encircle the US-backed fighters and in the end it would be Iranian-backed troops of Iraq’s Popular Mobilization Units – crossing over the border into Syria – who bailed them out.
As the battle was raging, the only report that came out about the activities of US airpower was one by ISIS which claimed that coalition warplanes had accidentally bombed partner forces positions.
The US has so far failed to comment on anything that happened around As-Sosa.
Whilst no one disputes the capability – in terms of power and reach – of US airpower, what could be disputed however, is the American commitment to fighting ISIS and, more generally speaking, the American agenda in Syria.
