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Estados Unidos pone en la lista negra a ex- funcionario chino y paramilitares

Estados Unidos puso este viernes en la lista negra a un actual y ex funcionario del gobierno chino, y a una organización paramilitar acusada de ser decisiva en la represión de Beijing contra el grupo étnico turco-musulmanes, los uigures, en la región autónoma uigur de Xinjiang (noroeste de China) Los uigures son musulmanes y se ven a sí mismos como una etnia y cultura más cercana a las naciones de Asia Central que a China. Viven fundamentalmente en Sinkiang, que oficialmente se denomina Región Autónoma Uigur de Sinkinag, una región autónoma de China como lo es Tíbet en el sur.. Las designaciones incluyen el Cuerpo de Producción y Construcción de Xinjiang (XPCC), Sun Jinlong, un ex operativo de XPCC, y Peng Jiarui, un funcionario del gobierno chino y comandante de XPCC, según el Departamento del Tesoro. "Como se dijo anteriormente, Estados Unidos se compromete a utilizar toda su potencia financiera para responsabilizar a los abusadores de derechos humanos en Xinjiang y en todo el m

Supreme Court of Brazil authorizes to extend investigations against Temer for alleged bribery

RIO DE JANEIRO, June 29 (Xinhua) - Brazil's Supreme Federal Court (STF) authorized the Federal Police (PF) to extend investigations into an alleged bribe received by Brazilian President Michel Temer from a port company. in exchange for favoring it with a decree, the local press broadcast Friday.

The investigating judge of the case in the STF, Luis Roberto Barroso, authorized the request made on Thursday by the PF to extend the investigations into the case by another 60 days, TV Globo reported.

It is the third time that the PF requests to extend the investigations, after the current term expires the first week of next July, reason why the organization requested more time to conclude the case.

Barroso asked the Prosecutor General to rule on the issue, but due to the vacations of the Judiciary throughout the month of July, authorized the PF to continue with the case.

The investigations began in September of last year with the aim of finding out if Temer received money from the company Rodrimar in exchange for signing a decree that supposedly would benefit the company dedicated to the port administration.

The investigation includes a remodeling done in the home of Maristela Temer, the president's daughter, on suspicion of having allegedly been paid with Rodrimar's money, although Temer denies the accusations.

Suppliers of material for the works explained to the PF that the payments were made in cash at the request of the architect María Rita Fratesi, wife of Colonel Joao Baptista Lima, a friend of Temer and suspected of being the intermediary in the payment of the alleged bribe.

The investigations began after the controversial delation before the justice of directors of the group J & F, in which they indicated to have paid bribes to near 2,000 Brazilian politicians in exchange for favoring companies of the group.

Among those indicated by the informers is President Temer, who was denounced twice before the Prosecutor's Office, complaints that were rejected by the Chamber of Deputies.

Temer has also opened another investigation by the PF related to the alleged illegal financing by the construction company Odebrecht in 2014, for its party Brazilian Democratic Movement (MDB).

Source: Xinhua News
