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Estados Unidos pone en la lista negra a ex- funcionario chino y paramilitares

Estados Unidos puso este viernes en la lista negra a un actual y ex funcionario del gobierno chino, y a una organización paramilitar acusada de ser decisiva en la represión de Beijing contra el grupo étnico turco-musulmanes, los uigures, en la región autónoma uigur de Xinjiang (noroeste de China) Los uigures son musulmanes y se ven a sí mismos como una etnia y cultura más cercana a las naciones de Asia Central que a China. Viven fundamentalmente en Sinkiang, que oficialmente se denomina Región Autónoma Uigur de Sinkinag, una región autónoma de China como lo es Tíbet en el sur.. Las designaciones incluyen el Cuerpo de Producción y Construcción de Xinjiang (XPCC), Sun Jinlong, un ex operativo de XPCC, y Peng Jiarui, un funcionario del gobierno chino y comandante de XPCC, según el Departamento del Tesoro. "Como se dijo anteriormente, Estados Unidos se compromete a utilizar toda su potencia financiera para responsabilizar a los abusadores de derechos humanos en Xinjiang y en todo el m

UN chief demands immediate end to military escalations in southwest Syria

Antonio Guterres, United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees speaks during a press conference at the Launch of the Regional Flash Appeal Following recent events in Libyan Arab Jamahiri

UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres is concerned about fighting in southwestern Syria which, he said, has displaced thousands of civilians and poses a threat to regional security, according to his spokesman.

“The Secretary-General is gravely concerned by the recent military escalation, including ground offensives and aerial bombardments, in southwestern Syria,” Stephane Dujarric said in a statement.

The United Nations estimates that the fighting near the border with Jordan and Israel-occupied Golan Heights has forced thousands of civilians to flee, with many moving toward Jordan.

“The Secretary-General is also concerned at the significant risks these offensives pose to regional security,” his spokesman said. “He calls for an immediate end to the current military escalation and urges all stakeholders to respect their obligations.”
Moreover, Antonio Guterres also called for an instant end to the military escalation in the embattled region.

“The attacks have resulted in the displacement of thousands of civilians, the majority of whom are moving towards the Jordanian border,” Stephane Dujarric emphasized in a statement.

US State Department spokeswoman Heather Nauert issued a statement on Thursday citing reports of an offensive by the Syrian government in the southwest and warning against incursions into the Daraa, Quneitra and Suwayda ceasefire zones, agreed by the United States, Russia and Jordan.

Source: Sputnik

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