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Estados Unidos pone en la lista negra a ex- funcionario chino y paramilitares

Estados Unidos puso este viernes en la lista negra a un actual y ex funcionario del gobierno chino, y a una organización paramilitar acusada de ser decisiva en la represión de Beijing contra el grupo étnico turco-musulmanes, los uigures, en la región autónoma uigur de Xinjiang (noroeste de China) Los uigures son musulmanes y se ven a sí mismos como una etnia y cultura más cercana a las naciones de Asia Central que a China. Viven fundamentalmente en Sinkiang, que oficialmente se denomina Región Autónoma Uigur de Sinkinag, una región autónoma de China como lo es Tíbet en el sur.. Las designaciones incluyen el Cuerpo de Producción y Construcción de Xinjiang (XPCC), Sun Jinlong, un ex operativo de XPCC, y Peng Jiarui, un funcionario del gobierno chino y comandante de XPCC, según el Departamento del Tesoro. "Como se dijo anteriormente, Estados Unidos se compromete a utilizar toda su potencia financiera para responsabilizar a los abusadores de derechos humanos en Xinjiang y en todo el m

ARMING UP! Russia To Make Kalashnikov Rifles In Venezuela Starting 2019

A factory of famous Russian Kalashnikov assault rifles is expected to open in Venezuela in 2019, said the general director of the Russian state consortium, Rosoboronexport, Aleksandr Mikheev.

“A [Venezuela] assault rifle production plant will be inaugurated in 2019. We are currently working to bring the timetable for the operational inauguration of this facility closer,” said the company’s executive.

In addition, the state company is expanding its participation in the helicopter sector of the South American country.

“This year we must also provide a center to ensure the use of our helicopters – a helicopter maintenance center,” added Mikheev to reporters during the Russian military product formum – ARMY 2018.

The 2018 ARMY forum, organized by the Russian Ministry of Defense, is a display of military equipment, weapons and technologies developed for security agencies and armed forces.

This year the forum will run from August 21 to 26 and will be attended by 1,200 companies and entities from 14 countries, according to the official website.

Recent developments include the new AK-308 assault rifle, an electric car and an electric motorcycle.

The consortium contributes not only to the defense sector, but also to civilians.

Venezuela has been economically attacked by the US since the accession of left-wing Hugo Chavez and turned the country into a more socialist system. Despite the heavy sanctions and economic subversions, Venezuela continues to strengthen its ties with China and Russia, allowing both superpowers access into Latin America, or more arrogantly known as the ‘backyard of the US’.

This has not only ensured that the Bolivarian revolution started by Chavez and continued by his successor Nicolas Maduro survived, but it has meant that a greater balance of power can continue to grow in Latin America with the entry of these two states. With the increased development of an arms industry in Venezuela, this will not only produce more jobs, but give Venezuela direct access to state-of-the-art small and medium arms.

This will furthermore accomplish several needed outcomes.

Among these, it will place Venezuela in a better position to ward off possible attacks from US-friendly states, like the narco-terrorist state “Columbia”, which borders it, and which produces a high amount of cocaine which is then funneled into the US by CIA approved routes and planes.

It will also create an additional layer of investment of Russian power vectors, pillars of Russian power, into Venezuela. This will push Russia’s investment into Venezuela into new spheres, which will tie the outcomes and risks associated with it, with more layers of Russian power brokers. This will furthermore ensure Venezuela’s security as international commitments rise.

Source: testlogo-1
